Monday, June 1, 2009

What?!... Inhale... Exhale.... Go

So I am told that this thing doesn't just update automatically for me... mmm... must create new technology. So its been only 4 months and a few things have happened in that time... and despite questions no Lara is not going to be prego again, even if Adam put "maybe" in her writeup :).
So lets start this update process...

Adam is definitely enjoying being back in school again... even if his waist line isn't too happy about its growth. But I do have the eternal promise to myself to start working out again.... we shall see. I am currently mid semester for my summer classes and all that entails. Summer classes are a different experience, as one of them is 8 months of classes crammed into a 6 week course, the work load is intense.

Lara continues to work at Extra Foods and has even brought her sister Lisa into the now "family business". She is also the proud new owner of real Eye ware, not the stunning pair she had been using for driving for many years. And the verdict now that she can actually see is that she still loves me.

Kaleb is approaching the end of Kindergarten and we are amazed at how quickly he is learning. Reading and writing skills are progressing wonderfully and through some work with the speech therapist he has learned to finally pronounce his C's, T's, and K's. He now likes to eat Cookies and not tooties. We have bought him a new bike and this is the year the training wheels go off, more to come on that later.

Elijah is adapting to all the changes of moving in with Grandma and Grandpa and having Mom and Dad not be there anymore. He is really enjoying the nice weather that has finally arrived and finds many ways to get into trouble in the back yard.

More updates and more importantly pictures to come... we will try not to wait 4 months till the next post.


  1. what what? Why is Elijah at your parents? I am sooo confused.

    BUT SOOO happy you updated! Yay for you two. (er, four, but you know what I mean)

    Love ya.

    Next time you post (you know, in 4 months) post some pictures, slacker!!!

  2. We are all living in the Kilistoff's basement so that I can finish my degree sooner. Elijah is alone with Grandma as she takes care of him during the day when I am at school and lara is working.

  3. ahhh, I get it now.
    And yay for pics!
